May 10, 2013

How to Add a Feedjit Live Traffic Feed widget


 how to add a Feedjit Live Traffic Feed widget

Would you like to know more about the traffic visiting your Blogger blog (Blogspot Blog)? Feedjit is a free tracking tool that tracks visitors to a blog in real time and identifies what pages are visited. In this Blogger tutorial you will learn how to add a Feedjit widget to your blog which will track where visitors originate from and what pages they viewed. Adding a Feedjit widget to your Blogger blog is easy and takes less than 5 minutes. This tutorial is suitable for all Blogger bloggers (Blogspot beginners). Updated 10 October 2009.

Feedjit monitors traffic to your site and ranks it based on popularity and relevance against the traffic received by other Feedjit users in your local area. There is a choice of 4 different widgets: Live Traffic Feed, Live Traffic Map, Recommended Reading, and Page Popularity. Each of these widgets has different functions.

Feedjit Live Traffic Feed Widget for Blogger
Places a widget on your Blogger blog of the last 10 visitors. By clicking on the real time link you can actually view the last 50 or so visitors along with the keyword search phrase used to find your site. The Feedjit's Live Traffic Feed shows statistics in real-time about:

                  The city and country your visitors are
                 .The website they arrived from, if any
        The page they visited on your website

       Which external link they clicked to leave your site, if any

Feedjit Traffic Map
The Traffic Map widget places visitors to your site on a world map according to their physical location

Feedjit Recommended Reading
The Recommended Reading widget makes suggestions to visitors about what other blog posts they might be interested in based on general page popularity

Feedjit Page Popularity
The Page Popularity widget lists the 10 most popular pages that have been accessed by visitors on that day.

How to Add a Feedjit Live Traffic Feed Widget (Gadget) to Blogger
  1. Visit Feedjit
  2. Select Live Traffic Feed.
  3. Click on the Customize It link under Live Traffic Feed. This will allow you to enter colors to match the theme of your blog. If you are in doubt I have found that the easiest method to get the custom colors of a site is to go to the Layout > Page Elements screen in Blogger and click on Add a Gadget and then Adsense. From the configuration screen that pops up you can get the colors of the background, border, title (heading in Feedjit), URL, text. If you use these same colors in your Feedjit widget it will blend in with the rest of your site. You can preview your widget to make sure it looks as you would like it before adding it to your blog.
  4. To automatically add the widget to Blogger select the Click to Add to Blogger Link and follow the instructions. Or to manually add it which I myself prefer right click the code in the box under the heading Live Traffic Feed and select copy.
  5. Navigate to Layout > Page Elements in your blog if that page is not already open
  6. Select Add a Gadget in the Sidebar and then HTML/Javascript
  7. Paste the code by placing the mouse in the box and right clicking and selecting paste
  8. Save the widget and then using the drag and drop feature of Blogger move it to your desired location. Note HTML/Javascript widgets are best placed after your other widgets for faster loading.
  9. Save Template
  10. Click on View Blog to view your newly created Feedjit widget
  11. Click on Options in the Feedjit widget and then Ignore My Browser otherwise the widget will record your visit each time you view your blog. The option on the widget will now change to Stop Ignoring Me which you can reverse by clicking on the link again.If you use more than one browser you will need to tell Feedjit to ignore you for each browser.

Installing on Blogger is easy! Simply click the button below and you'll be taken to    Blogger to install Feedjit.

NOTE: If you see a blank page or a cross-site scripting warning after clicking the button below, please use the following alternate instructions to install on your Blogger site:

This Blogger tutorial has discussed how to add a Feedjit Live Traffic Feed widget, gadget or button to Blogger to track where visitors are being directed from and what posts they are most interested in. A Feedjit Live Traffic Feed will help you learn about the visitors to your blog and what search phrase they used to arrive. To add a Feedjit Live Traffic Feed widget to Blogger is simple and takes less than 5 minutes to install.
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Live Traffic Feed Solution FAQ


FEEDJIT did not guess my location correctly. Can I fix this?

Yes! Visit this page to change your location.

What is the "My-City's Blogosphere" link at the top of my widget?

It is a shortcut that gives you an easy way to access the Geoblogosphere for your city. A visitor to your blog would see the link for their city. So if someone from London visits your blog, they would see a link that says "London's Blogosphere".

What does the live traffic feed do?

Feedjit's live traffic feed shows statistics on your website in real-time. It shows:
  • Which city and country your visitors are in
  • Which website they arrived from, if any*
  • Which page they visited on your website*
  • Which external link they clicked to leave your site, if any*
*Only the Javascript Live Traffic Feed can show you the referring website, which page a user landed on and which link they clicked to leave. The Image Live Traffic Feed (or Run-Anywhere Widget) does show you the landing page, but only on Feedjit Live which you can access by clicking the widget.

I use an IP address instead of a domain name for my website. Will Feedjit work on my site?

If your website url uses an IP address like this: (or another IP address), then Feedjit will not work for you. You must use a domain name like: for Feedjit to work correctly on your website and you must have your own domain or sub-domain.

How frequently is the data updated?

Feedjit widgets are updated in real-time. Your traffic feed is updated as each visitor arrives on your site. The update occurs before the widget loads which means that each of your visitors can see their own location displayed.

What about the privacy of my visitors?

We don't show any personally identifiable information. However, if your visitors don't want their future visits displayed, they can click "options" on the widget and select "Ignore my browser".

Your website visitor's geographic location is shown at the city level. We don't show actual addresses. All information we display is public data sent by your visitor's browsers and appears in website logs across the Web.

In my FEEDJIT Live feed I'm seeing a lot of single word searches coming from Microsoft's Live Search. What's up with that?

Thanks to Inland Echo for reporting this. Microsoft's web crawler plays a little trick on websites by telling them that it came from a Live Search results page. So you'll see URLs like appearing in your logs. Obviously their web crawler didn't come from that page and we don't know why it behaves this way. We may add a feature to FEEDJIT Live that tells you it's Microsoft. But for now, the data reported is technically correct. A visitor (a web crawler in this case) did arrive on your page and did tell your page that it came from the URL shown. Usually these results are shown as using Internet Explorer 6 with an unknown operating system.

Do you protect me from referrer spam?

Yes. If a browser sends Feedjit a fake referrer to try and appear multiple times on your (and other) websites, then we will ban it from appearing on all Feedjit widgets.

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Page Popularity Widget FAQ


What does Feedjit's Page Popularity widget do?

This widget shows the most popular pages on your blog or website by analyzing your recent traffic patterns. It constantly updates as new visitors arrive on your website and maintains an up to date list of popular pages.

What else should I know?

This widget does not require a minimum amount of traffic for you to use it. Simply install it and you're all set.

Why would I want this widget?

This widget draws new visitors into your blog or website by showing off your best content. If you have pages with a high bounce rate, displaying your most popular content in a prominent position can help draw new visitors into your website and grow your regular reader base.

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